Sunday, June 22, 2008

Noch viel Spaß in der Sommerferien

Yesterday was the last day here for all of the americans. I am happy to say that i will have the pleasure of remaining here for another three weeks, however i think that the GAPP program was wonderful and there are a lot of people I would like to thank. Firstly: All of our wonderfull parents at home who allowed us to participate in this great program becasue it is truely a once in a lifetime oppourtunity. Secondly all of the German familes who were such great hosts and were very understanding and sympathetic. We are greatful for their hospitality. Thirdly all of the german exchange partners who (despite their strong desire to speak english) spoke with us in german as much as possible. I am lucky to have met such cool people. I would like to thank the german Frau Pingen for making sure that we had somewhere to go if we had any sort of problems and for making school in germany such a pleasant experience. And lastly i would like to thank our Frau Pingen, for teaching me everything I know about german. I have met so many people here that i would never have been able to without her teaching. Sadly she will be leaving us next year but I believe that our new teacher will also be very compitant. I think the house orchestra is starting to drownd me out so heres all the rest of the "You Know You're in Germany whens" and I hope you all have a great summer.

You Know you're In Germany when (continued):

-The Checkers in grocery stores sit down while they ring you up. They don't have to stand.

-Nobody bags your groceries and if you want a bag you have to pay for it or bring your own.

-You have to give a 1€ deposit to use a shopping cart.

-There are no window screens and it takes you 2 weeks to figure out that you can open the windows two different ways.

-You can finish this scentence, "Meine Damen und Herren, es tut uns wirklich leid..."

-There are two buttons you can use to flush the toilet.

-Everything is in 24 hour time.

-People write in cursive.

-Its actually a big deal if you're 5 minutes late.

-the only thing on tv besides soccer is american TV shows dubbed in german.

-The only thing on the radio is American music.

-You can't find jazz anywhere.

-You can order beer!!!

Have a great summer everyone I'll see you all in the states.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Last Day

So here we are, the last day, and may i say that time flies!! It seems like we just got hear and we are about to leave!! I have had so much fun and i am going to miss everyone here!!! We have the farewell party tonight, and it should be really fun!!! Everyone ready for the 9 hour flight?? Anyway, thaks for such a wonderful time everyone!!
Quinn F.

Friday, June 20, 2008

You Know You're in Germany when:

-You never get ice in your drink.

-You have to pay to drink water at a restaurant.

-You start saying things like "We drove with the train" or "I'm going to go drive with my bike"

-No matter what shop or cafe you visit there are tons of people smoking inside.

-evrything is closed on sunday

-The lights turn yellow before they turn red AND before they turn green.

-You can't find any of the special charaters on the keyboard.

-People actually care about the outcome of soccer games.

-you always have to bring water with you becasue there aren't any water fountains.

-you can order beer at McDonalds (not that we did of course)

-Half of the buildings are 4 times as old as your country.

-People can swear on TV

-School is finished at 1PM

Of course theres more but its friday afternoon and some of us are meeting in Köln so i don't have time to think of anymore.


2008 June the 20th

This was the last day that we attended German school. It was a poiniant time, and started at an early hour, as most of us had a first hour class, which turned out to be English. Though it was our last day of German school, the day was not a hard one because the German students are done for the most part with school. They have only three more days next week and their teachers have already given them their grades so the classes are not very hard, to say the least.
Many of our students had free periods in the middle of the day, and so a good number of us went and got ice cream and wandered around central Bergheim, an activiity which is quite enjoyable. That is, until a cruel and cold breeze whipped across our faces, and we turned our backs to the wind.
Tonight, I am going with some of the other students to eat food at a restaurant, but because of inability to use the internet later, I am writing my blog later, the other person will probably provide more information.

june 20

before i get started on what i did today i'd like to point out that the zoo is one of the best places in the world! not just an alternative to a theme park! those who know me know that i don't do the whole roller coaster thing, and i will never pass up an oppertunity to see giraffes! we went to the zoo in köln and as far as zoos go, it was pretty nice. it was smaller than the denver one, but it had more animals and bigger, nicer cages. the elephants have a huge place! they also have racoons. . . which i thought was funny! so today= today was the last day of school for us (second one this year) and so of course we didn't go to many of our classes. we started teh day together with german, english, and GAPP and then most of us went into the city to do some last-minute-shopping and what not. of course we got our daily ice cream and then we continued shopping. i'd just like to point out to everyone that i am a horrible shopping and for those of you on my shopping list i'd like to appologize in advance and you're just going to have to deal with whatever i decided to get you. so ha! yeah so today was fairly normal, but tonight some peeps are coming over to my german's house for dinner. . . they call what we are doing something strange but as far as i can tell it is just a potluck. . . some of us will also be packing, i can't believe that we have been in germany for three weeks already!!! time flies! speaking of flying, i second what alysia said and parentals should deffinately hook us up with burritos!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Today, several people in our group went and had an amazing time in the Elitches-but-better land of Phantasialand. Unfortunately, I had no such fun. My reason? Well, mostly it was the rather costly 31€ price that was my deterrent. I slept in (big surprise) due to the lack of school today. As the morning progressed, it became clear to me that I wasn't going to go to the zoo, either. Laura had organized something, but I hadn't RSVP'd in time to go.

I initially thought that I was going to have another uneventful day in the land of Germany, but I was wrong. Midday, I called Andrew up and made the executive decision to go see where the Köln grocery store was. Natalie joined us (and made us miss the first train, I might add). This soon became an adventure to go get things for our respective families that we hadn't bought yet. I still lack German mustard (which is delicious and needed for my dad) and my shotglass of Köln broke when I dropped it on the sidewalk, but otherwise I have it all.

In short, this was a day where I got my shopping list done and had a pretty chilled time with two friends on the trip. Not the adrenalin I had thought I would get, but good nonetheless.


still moving

so today, a few of us went to phantasia land! it was fantastic! i guess it was suppose to be a group thing but most people didnt go. those of us that did split into groups and scampered around the park for hours. after a disappointing simulator thing where we raced to atlantis...more a race to whiplash. we rode a river ride got a little wet. went on a tower of doom like ride inside a castle. that was pretty darned cool i must say. we rode it about 5 times in the hours we were there. then came a poor excuse for a ride that was either showing the history of mexico or insulting them. then, on to the colorado adventure! it was a roller coaster made to look like an old train! it was really fun. another 5 timer. oh best one besides colorado was definately the black mamba. it was much like the mind eraser but german engineering kept us from bashing our poor skulls around. a very smooth fast fun ride! african themed. we had our daily ice cream. got it from a girl with A.D.D. so it took a little while to actually recieve it. chocolate does not mean get distracted by a box. came home. im alone. little pooped from the activity. weird thing about can take your stuff on most of the rides. interesting huh? well thats all i have about the day. hope all the parents miss us enough to bring us starbucks and burritos when they pick us up from the airport! peace